Before you invest your time and money, check out these real reviews, ask us for recent referrals or find more information on Google.


“Dave has been an incredible resource for me. I’ve known him for more than 5 years. He has been a mentor and an irreplaceable guide since the beginning of my firefighting journey. Whether it was specific questions regarding the hiring process, or just general advice, Dave has always been there to lend a helping hand. He is a wealth of firefighting knowledge, and I have always trusted his counsel. I was recently hired by a career, municipal department, so he must have done something right! I'm very grateful to know Dave and consider myself extremely fortunate to be a beneficiary of his intelligence.”

Taylor Shahi

"Dave Robertson was everything I needed and more in a coach.  He went above and beyond my expectations in every way and I was constantly surprised by his thoughtfulness, knowledge, and passion for the fire service.  I have no doubt in my mind the advice I received from him was instrumental in the job offers I received."

Luke Phillips

“Dave Robertson has been my Fire Career mentor for 10 years. He has been a key factor through obstacles presented in my pursuit of this job. When I go to him with “Dave I need your advice on this..” he gives me the time I need and he puts his whole heart in it to help. If you are pursuing a Fire Career, or if you already have a job and need advice on how to become a BETTER firefighter...Dave is the mentor you need.

Daniel Flores

"The pursuit of becoming a firefighter can be a long journey. I was fortunate to have Dave on my side and he was a key component to my success in becoming hired. Dave spent the time not only to improve my resume and interviewing skills, but also the time to know me as a person. It helped me with further understanding my "why" with becoming a firefighter. He was there every step of the way and I cannot thank him enough for it."

Ben Yeung

“Dave Robertson’s passion for the fire service is amazing and knows how to guide people towards the career of a lifetime. Dave will be a source of encouragement and play a key role in you becoming a firefighter..”

Devon Caley

“A great professional resource to use if you are looking for something to set yourself apart in a firefighting career path. Dave is an experienced expert in his field, I can’t think of anyone better to learn from! He is professional and provides excellent service.”

Julia Berkers

“Dave Robertson is a very professional and personable person. He truly takes your success very seriously and works with you every step of the way. I would highly recommend his services to anyone looking to become a professional firefighter.”

Davis Pratt